The whole idea creeps me out.
Don't know if Hitler actually said this, a lot of times dead people are credited with things they'd never even think of uttering while alive (did Jefferson REALLY say all that shit?). But the photo here is creepy enough, especially given what the current occupant of the Oval Office plans for his upcoming news conference. (H/T to Rick from Divine Ripples)
UPDATE: Okay, now the White House is releasing letters received from various kids around the country;
Cue the violins.
This reminds me of how Jimmy Carter would claim his daughter believed the biggest problem in the world was thermonuclear war. Yeah right, most kids at that age (11 at the time) are into things like Nancy Drew and New Kids on the Block (yes, I'm dating myself but you have to go with what you've got. Increasingly it seems all I have is historical trivia).
I mentioned that the Administration would waste no time in getting to wave the bloody shirts of Newtown, CT. This crap is what I had in mind. Just remember that "it's for the children", a tactic that automatically puts naysayers on the defensive trying to prove a negative, i.e. they are NOT uncaring bastards driven solely by a desire to appease Big Business.
It doesn't matter how many polls will show the American people don't believe this horseshit. It won't matter how much of an outcry is heard asking just how any measures under consideration would result in a nutcase NOT going a rampage. We're going to get gun control rammed down our throats, soon after that we'll start hearing stories of active repression by the government at all levels. The vast majority of our fellow countrymen won't give a damn as they'll be too busy debating the merits of the latest contestant on American Idol.
I've said it before and will continue, the United States of America as we knew it is dead. The best thing to do is prepare for a period of totalitarian repression, hoping that it will be brief enough to end by the time our grandchildren have grandkids. Thats how it'll be IMHO.
God's will be done and may He have mercy upon us all.
UPDATE: Okay, now the White House is releasing letters received from various kids around the country;
Cue the violins.
This reminds me of how Jimmy Carter would claim his daughter believed the biggest problem in the world was thermonuclear war. Yeah right, most kids at that age (11 at the time) are into things like Nancy Drew and New Kids on the Block (yes, I'm dating myself but you have to go with what you've got. Increasingly it seems all I have is historical trivia).
I mentioned that the Administration would waste no time in getting to wave the bloody shirts of Newtown, CT. This crap is what I had in mind. Just remember that "it's for the children", a tactic that automatically puts naysayers on the defensive trying to prove a negative, i.e. they are NOT uncaring bastards driven solely by a desire to appease Big Business.
It doesn't matter how many polls will show the American people don't believe this horseshit. It won't matter how much of an outcry is heard asking just how any measures under consideration would result in a nutcase NOT going a rampage. We're going to get gun control rammed down our throats, soon after that we'll start hearing stories of active repression by the government at all levels. The vast majority of our fellow countrymen won't give a damn as they'll be too busy debating the merits of the latest contestant on American Idol.
I've said it before and will continue, the United States of America as we knew it is dead. The best thing to do is prepare for a period of totalitarian repression, hoping that it will be brief enough to end by the time our grandchildren have grandkids. Thats how it'll be IMHO.
God's will be done and may He have mercy upon us all.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Labels: 2nd Amendment related, America, Cultural cesspool, Politics
Hitler did in fact say that; it's on page 403 of the 1943 edition by Houghton Mifflin, Ralph Manheim tr., republished 1962.
It's not exactly the entire quote verbatim, but it is there.
What I wonder is weather or not people who are for Obama will wake up one day and realize what a huge mistake supporting him was. I don't mean they have an inward moment of clarity, I mean that they look outside and see the oppressive regime and desolation that has spawned from "Yes we can". Will they see it and regret it, or will they continue to believe that everything is coming up roses nonetheless. That is what I wonder when I see Obama bumper stickers. Will those people ever come to a point where they want to wash it off with acid?
Actually you aren't dating yourself too much since New Kids on the Block recently toured with the Backstreet Boys putting them all somewhat back in the current you could be talking about the 80s or the early 2000s.
And I really--REALLY--hate the letters from little kids. It disgusts me to no end that they would use children like that (but its not much of a surprise seeing that they would kill these same children without a second thought if they were in the womb). Sure, these kids may very well think that getting rid of guns will solve our problems--to seal the deal they may even suggest giving free ice cream to every person on earth will create world peace. I think it is absolutely fine for a little kid to think this way because they are innocent. Little kids think that scraping their knee is the end of the world and Christmas presents are the sole reason for their existence. This is innocence, it's cute, sweet and every child should have it--its a gift from God. But to take that and twist it to an agenda? Makes me want to kick a liberal in the teeth. And how much you want to bet that half of those letters were prompted by either their teachers or their parents? I seriously doubt that whilst a child was pondering the meaning of life, politics and gun control they got out a piece of paper and quill pen and decided to pen a letter to the president offering their advice. Especially in the day and age of emails, texting, video games and internet, you really think little kids these days are even all that cognizant of snail mail in the first place? I'm sure they know how to write letters, but I seriously doubt that that's the first thing on their minds for a means of communication.
I'm going to stop now before I start screaming at my computer. I'm not yet on the lease and don't want my housemates to get any wrong ideas--let them get that after I'm on the contract.
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