The "aha" moment for B.O. bowing to royalty...
So simple, even a Neanderthal of a turdchaser can figure it out.
First there was this;Now, excuses flew fast and furious over that one. Supposedly it wasn't "really" a bow, just a nod. Or it was some sort of rightwing setup (until the fact the MSM got shots of it could no longer be denied. After a while it looked to be dying a quiet death.
Until the other day;

It was while looking at the two of these I felt a nagging itch in the old memory box. You know, kind of a "this is deja vu all over again" feeling. Finally it hit.
Decades ago my brother (God rest his soul) owned a German Shepherd. The mutt was nutty as a fruitcake. One of his eccentricities involved parking his nose right in the crotch of whatever woman he was meeting for the first time and then taking a real deep sniff. Since this was during our high school years it got to be just a tad embarrassing.
"And this is our dog, Prince. Hey, get OUT OF THERE YOU MUTT!! Sorry, don't know why he did that, DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME YA FLEABAG? GET!!"
So maybe it's something similar for B.O., with the difference he wants to park his schnoz in a royal guy's lap. C'mon, it's the 21st Century and we can all come out of the closet on this one. Right?
At least he hasn't been caught with any interns. Yet.
Thinking on that dog, maybe he wasn't so stupid. My brother brought home some real babes back then.
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