Illegal voter registration (Just another isolated incident).
Found this over at Patterico's Pontifications.
I've got a headache, maybe it's from quotes like this,"And the county has some sly ways to catch them. Maybe they have received a jury summons, the jury wheel relies on registered voters. They send a statement to the jury room that says they are not U.S. citizens and then we get that report immediately," Callanan says.
Oh sure, because we all know they'll fess right up and say they can't sit on a jury. Nope, they're too inherently honest, right? Yep, you're sly alright. Sharp like a marble.
From the very limited knowledge I have I'd say most juries don't take more than a day to do their work. The War Department sat on a jury recently. It took all of half an hour to reach a verdict, the case itself was presented in about an hour. Juan, Jose or Maria could chill out for a while in the courtroom and still be home in time to catch the Telemundo version of, "As The World Turns."
Then there's this little gem, "While not taking a position on the legislation, Callanan warned that any law that required that people present ID at the polling place might actually discourage people from voting. It will be cumbersome to have them presented at the polls," she said. "The lines will be longer. It will require an additional check."
Oh cry me a river whydoncha? There are people in this world who literally place their lives on the line when they're seen lining up to vote and we've gotten so fat and lazy that queing up for a bit longer will stop us from voting? If that's true then we really suck! Period.
If Juan, Jose and Maria are illegally registered to vote you can bet they'll do it. And when they do it won't be for anything other than their own personal gain.
But as Patterico notes, "Oh well. I’m sure that happens only in Bexar County, Texas — and not anywhere else in the country. And I’m sure they caught every such instance where it happened."
Yeah, and who's the bigger BS artist? You for saying that or me for claiming to believe it?
food for get PAID for jury duty...wadda they call it?? reimbursement for wages lost or something.
went back and reread this....some of those "valid id's" don't prove citizenship, ie electric bill??? they just like green folding paper, don't care about green cards. and let's not even start about the "employee id" that's the source of the problem anyway. the law sounds good, but might be too watered down to help. imho
At the risk of sounding like a buttkissing politician I'd say even a watered down bill is better than nothing. Stronger laws can be enacted in the future, right now the State Legislature is getting ready to wrap business for the year.
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