Know the enemy.
I got this from Front Page Magazine.
It makes a lot of good points. I especially paid attention to this;
Political Islam has annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation takes centuries, but once Islam is ascendant it never fails. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct.
It isn't carved in stone that the Islamists will win. In 1492 they were finally kicked out of Spain, in 1683 they were stopped at the gates of Vienna. They can be stopped but the nature of their offensive has to be understood. IMHO today's biggest problem isn't violent jihad, it's non violent jihad.
I've written on this before. They'll proceed with an Islamification of our society till the day will come when we'll wake up and wonder WTF happened. There isn't any accomodation of these folks, not as Islam presently stands. Accomodation has turned London, England into Londonistan. It's forced the French police to fight an undeclared civil war. In our own country Dearborn, Michigan is now known to nonmuslims there as Dearbornistan, the Jamaat ul-Fqra compounds (see Gates of Vienna for more on this) are springing up around the country, and the beat goes on......
We have to push back on every front. We have to stand up and throw the BS flag whenever Muslims whine about being the victim in America. We have to resist any special consideration for them. The cavalry isn't coming over the hill. We're in this till the end and we're in it alone. If that last doesn't sound right just listen to politicans on both sides as they call Islam a "religion of peace". The DNC recently opened their winter meeting with a terrorist-connected imam's prayer . The Republicans aren't any better.
We have to be vocal and involved 24/7/365. We have to know the enemy and confront it wherever possible. It's the responsibility of each and every one of us. We've got to nag the batcrap out of our politicians to not cave in. That last can definetly be done, look at how Barbara Boxer rescinded an award to a CAIR leader recently. Kick their butts often enough and hard enough, the politicians listen. But WE have to do the kicking!
Along with all of this we have to get off the foreign oil habit. Once that's done a lot of the clout wielded by foreign governments goes away. Especially that of Saudi Arabia, home of the Wahabbi sect.
If that means nukes, wind power, solar, whatever, we need to get cracking.
And never give up. The successful end won't come in our lifetimes, it will take several lifetimes before (hopefully) Islam and all the evil it carries is relegated to the shitcan of history.
But hey, I didn't have anything else planned to keep me busy. Did you?
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