Two prayers....

God's will be done and may He have mercy upon us all.

About Me

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A Catholic who follows Rome & the Magisterium. I'm against gay "marriage", abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, human cloning. Altar girls, Communion in the hand, Eucharistic Ministers and "Protestant" music in the Church doesn't bother me at all. A proud American retired submarine sailor. Our borders should be secured with a 10 ft. high fence topped by concertina wire with minefields out to 20 yards on both sides and an additional 10 yards filled with warning signs outside of that Let's get energy independent NOW! Back Israel to the max, stop appeasing followers of the Pedophile Prophet. Pro 2nd Amendment, pro death penalty, Repeal all hate crime legislation. Back the police unless you'd rather call a hippie when everything hits the fan. Get government out of dealing with education, childhood obesity and the enviornment. Stop using the military for sociological experiments and if we're in a war don't micromanage their every move. Kill your television, limit time on the computer and pick up a book. God's will be done and may He have mercy upon us all.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

More thoughts on the midshift.

Jeane Kirkpatrick is dead. A shame, I remember what a welcome change she was at the UN after four years of Andrew Young and his "America sucks" style monologues.

Am I the only one who notices how easy it is for liars to gain acceptance on the internet? There's one guy at a site I frequent who claims to be a retired Marine. When I recently questioned his story of being reactivated after 9/11 for a four year period he claims his security clearance and MOS allowed that. Too bad the dipso doesn't realize security clearances are reduced when you no longer have "a need to know". But arguing with him would be like trying to teach a pig to sing. A waste of time and I'd only make the pig happy. There are other lies he tells, that's just what comes to mind easily. Like I said, he's accepted at face value by most others on the site. Sheesh!

The ISG is crap. It's designed to make someone feel good about leaving Iraq in the same way we left Viet Nam. God help us if that happens.

Brittany Spears is now a primo skank. Hard to believe she once had appeal due to her innocence.

Typing minus the small finger on the right hand is doable. It still sucks on toast. Be glad when the stitches come out.

A lot of posters at various sites seem to feel we've a good chance of a shooting war on American soil with the jihadists. IMHO the ones to look out for are the ones becoming politically active. The power of the pen and the ballot box still beats the batcrap out of the gun and sword. I read an account some time back that characterized the participants of the Boston Tea Party as irresponsible hooligans who actually worked counter to the aims of the Founding Fathers. They garnered a lot of publicity but had very little real effect on the events of the day. I feel the "blow America up" jihadis are of the same stripe. It'll be the quiet ones working within the system that will gut our country. God help us all.

Lately I pray God gives us a leader who will help us restore pride in our country and our Judeo-Christian heritage. Christ said He would be with us even till the end of days, guess thats got to count for something!

Pissing off the War Department when she's pregnant is a hazard to my health.

My sons are proving there's a reason for the phrase "terrible twos".

I recall a couple of idiots convicted of conspiracy to hijack a sub back in the 80's. This was in New London at the State Pier. Anyone else who knows of that incident and where I can find some information about it, let me know. I tell people here in this little corner of Texas about it and they look at me like I've got two heads. Gotta be something posted on the internet somewhere that would verify this.

Speaking of historical trivia, the War Department was amazed when I related how Jimmy Carter was attacked by a swamp rat while fishing during his Presidency. I was able to back THAT one up with some internet posts!

And while we're on the topic of submarine trivia, what boat was it whose skipper got in trouble for having the stripper dancing on the fairwater planes as they left Cocoa Beach? I know it was an attack boat, this happened in the mid 70's and it made the national news. C'mon my fellow bubbleheads, help an old turd chaser out wouldja?

Saw the movie, "Failure to Launch" a few weeks back. In one scene Terry Bradshaw's adult son sits down for breakfast across from him. "Sonny" has eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, juice and a sticky bun. Bradshaw looks at him and then down at his own bowl of oatmeal. Funny, I could feel his pain.

The War Department thinks I look better than Terry Bradshaw. Pregnancy must be making her blind.

The theme song from "Veggie Tales" keeps running through my head. It just won't go away.


Anonymous said...

I agree the ISG is crap. Who are these people to make policy decisions 1) when they are not elected and 2) have no expertise in the area they are making the recommendations (Leon Pinetta - what military experience does he have?), and 3) may have conflict of interest (i.e. the Baker law firm representing Saudi Arabia against the 9/11 victim families)?

I remember the rat attack on the President. Do you remember Bush 41 wacking a duck or something?

The boat that did that wasn't during the 70's it was during the 80's. I remember seeing a newspaper clipping about it posted on the boat (the DW). Or maybe more than one boat pulled that stunt.

In fact, we were talking about that at work the other day, and one of the guys knew which boat it was, and even the name of the CO. I'll ask.

Anonymous said...

I agree the ISG is crap. Who are these people to make policy decisions 1) when they are not elected and 2) have no expertise in the area they are making the recommendations (Leon Pinetta - what military experience does he have?), and 3) may have conflict of interest (i.e. the Baker law firm representing Saudi Arabia against the 9/11 victim families)?

I remember the rat attack on the President. Do you remember Bush 41 wacking a duck or something?

The boat that did that wasn't during the 70's it was during the 80's. I remember seeing a newspaper clipping about it posted on the boat (the DW). Or maybe more than one boat pulled that stunt.

In fact, we were talking about that at work the other day, and one of the guys knew which boat it was, and even the name of the CO. I'll ask.

Anonymous said...

I agree the ISG is crap. Who are these people to make policy decisions 1) when they are not elected and 2) have no expertise in the area they are making the recommendations (Leon Pinetta - what military experience does he have?), and 3) may have conflict of interest (i.e. the Baker law firm representing Saudi Arabia against the 9/11 victim families)?

I remember the rat attack on the President. Do you remember Bush 41 wacking a duck or something?

The boat that did that wasn't during the 70's it was during the 80's. I remember seeing a newspaper clipping about it posted on the boat (the DW). Or maybe more than one boat pulled that stunt.

In fact, we were talking about that at work the other day, and one of the guys knew which boat it was, and even the name of the CO. I'll ask.

Anonymous said...

I agree the ISG is crap. Who are these people to make policy decisions 1) when they are not elected and 2) have no expertise in the area they are making the recommendations (Leon Pinetta - what military experience does he have?), and 3) may have conflict of interest (i.e. the Baker law firm representing Saudi Arabia against the 9/11 victim families)?

I remember the rat attack on the President. Do you remember Bush 41 wacking a duck or something?

The boat that did that wasn't during the 70's it was during the 80's. I remember seeing a newspaper clipping about it posted on the boat (the DW). Or maybe more than one boat pulled that stunt.

In fact, we were talking about that at work the other day, and one of the guys knew which boat it was, and even the name of the CO. I'll ask.

Anonymous said...

I agree the ISG is crap. Who are these people to make policy decisions 1) when they are not elected and 2) have no expertise in the area they are making the recommendations (Leon Pinetta - what military experience does he have?), and 3) may have conflict of interest (i.e. the Baker law firm representing Saudi Arabia against the 9/11 victim families)?

I remember the rat attack on the President. Do you remember Bush 41 wacking a duck or something?

The boat that did that wasn't during the 70's it was during the 80's. I remember seeing a newspaper clipping about it posted on the boat (the DW). Or maybe more than one boat pulled that stunt.

In fact, we were talking about that at work the other day, and one of the guys knew which boat it was, and even the name of the CO. I'll ask.

Anonymous said...

I agree the ISG is crap. Who are these people to make policy decisions 1) when they are not elected and 2) have no expertise in the area they are making the recommendations (Leon Pinetta - what military experience does he have?), and 3) may have conflict of interest (i.e. the Baker law firm representing Saudi Arabia against the 9/11 victim families)?

I remember the rat attack on the President. Do you remember Bush 41 wacking a duck or something?

The boat that did that wasn't during the 70's it was during the 80's. I remember seeing a newspaper clipping about it posted on the boat (the DW). Or maybe more than one boat pulled that stunt.

In fact, we were talking about that at work the other day, and one of the guys knew which boat it was, and even the name of the CO. I'll ask.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the multiple posts. Don't know how that happened. The surver timed out in the middle of a publish.

Old Gary said...

I did a Google search for highjacking a submarine. Did not find anything on a New London incident but did find this interesting story from 2002.

Subvet said...

Hey Sonarman,
The stripper dancing on the fairwaters may have happened more than once. The incident I recall happened in the 70's and I can be certain about that because my father was amazed that I thought the CO of the boat must have been an okay guy for trying to help his crew's morale. Since my father died in 77 I really doubt the incident you spoke of and the one I'm referring to are one and the same.

And Bush 41 wacking some kind of bird DOES ring a bell.

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