Two prayers....

God's will be done and may He have mercy upon us all.

About Me

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A Catholic who follows Rome & the Magisterium. I'm against gay "marriage", abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, human cloning. Altar girls, Communion in the hand, Eucharistic Ministers and "Protestant" music in the Church doesn't bother me at all. A proud American retired submarine sailor. Our borders should be secured with a 10 ft. high fence topped by concertina wire with minefields out to 20 yards on both sides and an additional 10 yards filled with warning signs outside of that Let's get energy independent NOW! Back Israel to the max, stop appeasing followers of the Pedophile Prophet. Pro 2nd Amendment, pro death penalty, Repeal all hate crime legislation. Back the police unless you'd rather call a hippie when everything hits the fan. Get government out of dealing with education, childhood obesity and the enviornment. Stop using the military for sociological experiments and if we're in a war don't micromanage their every move. Kill your television, limit time on the computer and pick up a book. God's will be done and may He have mercy upon us all.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Osama bin Laden is dead, now what?

Now we'll see whether or not he was actually the driving force for violent followers of the Pedophile Prophet.

My guess is nothing much will change, one monkey don't stop no show. Until it's fully realized that Islam is no more a religion of peace than dynamite sticks are birthday candles, the denial of reality will continue and the body count from "isolated" incidents both here and abroad will rise.

The USA may not be at war with Islam, Islam is definetly at war with the USA.

Still, this is good news. It'll be a very long time before any Navy SEAL has to pay for his own drinks, especially in a NYC bar.


Steve "scotju" Dalton said...

Bin, Bin Binny, goodby! Bin, Bin Binny, you're going to fry!

Subvet said...

scotju, LOL! You got it. He's now discovering those 72 virgins are all as ugly as a pig's butt and lesbians to boot.

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

I wasn't surprised when Obama made the comment about not being at war with Islam. He sounded weak in a moment that he should have sounded confident. The Arab world heard his apology for killing their hero loud and clear in that statement.

I agree, this will change nothing at all regarding terrorism. If anything, more little children will be the targets of TSA pat downs (i.e. molestations).

Subvet said...

Nunly, agreed.

Sometimes I feel like the donkey in "Animal Farm". He's the only one who realizes nothing changes, things only get worse. Not a really uplifting feeling but there ya go.

WomanHonorThyself said...

good question...more Muzlims in our borders...sick!

Subvet said...

WHT, it'll continue as we're told that Islam is a religion of peace. That'll happen right up until the next 9/11 scale attack, then the followers of the Pedophile Prophet will finally know what backing ass first into a buzzsaw is like.

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

I wonder if they'll be calling the Ground Zero Mosque the "Osama Bin Laden Memorial Mosque".

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

Just read an interesting article over at Atlas Shrugs. Sounds like BHO wasn't all that instrumental in making the decision to go after OBL. Sounds more like he was forced into it. Check it out.

Here's another article about this:

Subvet said...

Nunly, I just skimmed the report on "Atlas Shrugs" and will read it in depth later. But what stands out for me is that, if true, we now have the Praetorian Guard running the show. That is disturbing. Taking out OBL is still great, needed to be done. But if done with disregard to our Idiot-in-Chief we then have other, potentially more serious, problems in this nation.

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

To be honest, Subvet, I've felt for many years that the President wasn't running the show. I wasn't a fan of Bush, Jr., but I also think a lot of what happened on his watch was not his doing and someone else was pulling the strings.

Subvet said...

Nunly, thats entirely possible. The bureaucracy of any organization takes on a life of it's own after a while. That holds true no matter what organization we're talking about. Even the Pope is rumored to have problems with it's counterpart in the Curia. So I've no doubt Bush found himself blindsided at times by actions he wasn't informed of until too late.

What makes this really disturbing is that if the stories of what actually happened are to be believed, the actions are moving up from the paper pushers' level to the senior UNELECTED supervisors. Not too good.

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