A problem with sobriety...
...for a recovering alcoholic is that after a while, if your feet on planted on planet Earth, you'll have the misfortune to see others headed down the same path to misery that you trod.
And there won't be a damned thing you can do about it. Except pray for the poor bastards.
Indeed, it's so hard to see someone heading for self-destruction, knowing that no matter what you say or do, they aren't going to listen. The only thing you could do is pray for them.
Yep, unfortunately you are right. Given that thought and your recovery you know only "they" like you can make the decision. "They" like you gotta say enough is enough and make the call.
I admire and respect you for your decision and praying for them is the only real help you can give. You know that, now, believe it!
PS. In case you haven't heard, They got the bastard! Congrats to the Navy and the Seals!
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