B.O. and Muslims...
So far B.O. has said absolutely zip about the nut case that shot up the Arkansas recruiting office. One soldier was killed, another wounded. The wacko was a Muslim convert, someone with a resentment against the military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Nothing from the White House, nada.
This week the President makes a trip to Cairo, Egypt, where he will address the Muslim world. So far as followers of the Pedophile Prophet go, he's shown himself to be master of the suckup. He continues trying to "engage" Iran (even though they keep spitting in his face), he's bowed to the Saudi King in one well-documented incident, gone out of his way to make nice with the muslims in general.
I wonder if his silence about this shootup in Arkansas is driven by a fear of not wanting to offend any followers of Islam? If so it shows where his thinking goes; "screw the troops of this nation and what they suffer, I gotta look good on the world stage."
What's next I wonder?
Closet Muslim, 2 words.
I dread this upcoming speech. It will push me right over the brink into full blown insanity....
Already he has said that WE must learn more about Islam. How about those worms learning more about Christianity. Oh right - we're not a Christian nation, we're a Muslim nation. Silly me!!!
His silence is far, far more eloquent than his speech. He hates this Country (as witnessed by the foul apostate that passes for his pastor and mentor) and he hates those who serve it so faithfully.
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