B.O. and the VA...
Found this yesterday on The Drudge Report. Needless to say, there is zippo in the local fishwrap about this;
B.O. will find he's backed into a running buzzsaw if he goes through with this idiocy. Here's a little known fact regarding veteran's groups; they're more powerful, more organized than the stinking NRA, which is often quoted as a lobbying powerhouse.
As proof of this I'll cite a little known incident from the first term of "Slick Willie" Clinton. Seems he had this idea that the retired military members drawing a pension could be utilized as a national job corp. His thinking was along the lines of, "They're getting all that money and really not doing anything." Noted.
That idea was aired in D.C. and died a very quiet death very quickly once he realized what kind of third rail he'd cheerfully grabbed.
That was small potatoes compared to this dumbassed idea of B.O., the man doesn't realize the mistake here. Not only is he going to infuriate all the retired vets, he'll rile up the ones who got out before retiring but still receive medical attention for service-connected problems. And there is a double shitpot of those folk! They all know how to write as do their families.
This doesn't even touch on the active duty servicemembers. You can bet a fair number of them will pay attention to this also.
Not even two full months in office and this guy just keeps on shooting himself in the foot. It's going to be a long four years.
I would say he is shooting off his mouth!
Reason # 724 why I think Barack Obama is not ready to be President of the United States.
I can't wait to talk to my father-in-law about this one.
I feel like we're all living in a sitcom. What will P-BO do next. This guy is Al Capone without the street sense, business sense or maturity.
Obama can't open his pie hole without making someone want to shove his fist in it. Now the fool runs off to the left coast to get a tongue bath from Leno tonight. Brave little Obama!
Not quite a sitcom, more like a comedic tragedy!
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