Ferguson Rising.
So the grand jury refused to indict and now rioting is in progress, not just in Ferguson but in cities across the nation. Who'd a thunk it!
Seriously when I look at the morons caught on camera they seem to fall into one of two categories; A) Black and ready to destroy what they can't steal, all in the name of civil rights. B) White and incredibly stupid, not believing that given half a chance their black compadres of the moment would rape, rob and beat the shit out of them. But they've found a "cause" to promote so all is good.
The hell of it is that we won't see an end soon. Look at how long the "Occupy" movement was allowed to drag on and they never really seemed to have any focus for their protests. The phony baloney justifications offered for the present riots will afford them a cover story for being allowed to destroy whatever city they're in. That will happen as long as the politicians, MSM and other fools give the "grievances" the sham of thoughtful consideration.
So stand by folks, we're going to get screwed for a very long time over the complete nonissue of a thug committing suicide by cop.
Just remember, if you don't agree you're either a racist or "Tom".
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