Tribunal set for autistic teen boy...
The following was found on, you can't make this shit up;
Autistic Boy Charged With Making Terrorist Threats Over Stick-Figure Sketch
SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. - A fourteen-year-old autistic boy is facing terrorist charges after a sketch he made in school.
The sketch shows two stick-figures. One of them is labeled ‘Me’ and is shown shooting a gun at another with a teacher’s name above it.
Karen Finn says that her son, 8th grader Shane Finn, doesn’t understand why he is in trouble. She says the boy is autistic and has the mental capacity of a 3rd grader.
Officials at Ridgeview Charter School say the student will face a tribunal and is being charged with making terrorist threats.
I look at this and think of my two autistic sons, aged 6 & 5. Georgia? Not exactly known as a stronghold of liberal thinking. We can't homeschool because our boys actually need that daily interplay with peers, peers that they know and relate to.
Sheesh, "Officials at Ridgeview Charter School say the student will face a tribunal...", Now that is just plain bizarre.
Here is a copy of my own email sent to the school administration;
To Whom It May Concern,
It was with dismay I read the news story concerning Shane Finn and his upcoming tribunal for making terrorist threats. Have you people gone mad?
Fourteen year old boys, even those without autism, are notorious for venting their adolescent frustrations via drawings, notes, etc.
You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. The fact that the boy suffers from autism only works further to your detriment. I seriously suggest you seek professional help at the earliest opportunity.
My Name
No, it isn't diplomatic but the story hits close to home. For those who care to, the following is a link to contact the fools;
It's far more diplomatic than starting with, "What the fuck, over?"
This is the post I just left. Thanks so much for the info on where to post it.
I have just read and article in the national newspapers that has truly saddened and disgusted me. My 14 year old son, who is autistic, with an IQ of 72, expresses his anger through images and threats that aren't real all the time. He doesn't have the capacity to understand that ignorant people will not understand this as only an "expression" and not reality. I cannot believe that this school is pursuing this to this degree. Please, and I shouldn't have to say this to educators, Educate Yourselves!
Email sent! Way to go, Chief!
Arby, yeah, But "what the fuck, over" would REALLY get their attention.
Beth, amen to that.
Cliff, thanks!
Nicely done, Subvet. This story is in my backyard. While my kids aren't autistic, I thank God every day that my wife can homeschool them. The stories that come out of the schools are sickening.
BTW: When you came by my place recently you didn't leave a link back to your blog, otherwise I would have been here sooner. I just happened to see you at Teh Goomba's place recently and thought I'd pop in.
Thanks for your visits.
Snarky Basterd
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