First Amendment in danger?
Found this via Always On Watch;
The Obama Administration has now actually co-sponsored an anti-free speech resolution at the United Nations. Approved by the U.N. Human Rights Council last Friday, the resolution, cosponsored by the U.S. and Egypt, calls on states to condemn and criminalize “any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.”
The rest can be found here.
While the main thrust of the article is about B.O. kowtowing to Islamofacists, it's a short jump to the curtailment of many other forms of free speech. "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred..." could include publicly adhering to religious opposition of certain acts, no? Acts such as gay sex, abortion, euthanasia, etc.
Guess we'll all be meeting in the reeducation camps soon. Bring your shovels, comrades.
Well, Obama did call himself a "citizen of the world"
I'll see you in the re-education camps on Tuesdays,
I'll bring my Glock instead...
The Obama Administration is leading this country to a new Revolutionary War, one to reestablish the country that our founding fathers started.
I'm betting this "anti-hatred" rule will not apply if that hatred is directed at the Israelis, white males earnings more than the minimum wage, and conservatives, who are, afterall, merely the pawns of big business . . .
Welcome to the show . . . while we show the world how to dismantle a successful nation within a mere 40 years by bombarding it with a 24/7 news cycle that reduces major issues to soundbites and disparages intelligent discourse in favor of The Cult of Personality.
"Most Rev. Gregori said...
No reeducation camps if we strike first."
First and Fastester!
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