Just asking....
A comment I saw over at Michelle Malkin's Hot Air site was pretty good.
Basically it asked why everyone got their shorts in a twist over the New York Times leaking spoilers on the latest Harry Potter book but no one seemed to care when they were publishing details of classified security programs.
Good question. Kind of shows where our stinking priorities really are.
To promote a more culturally sensitive society, Websters has announced they will now change the spelling of "care" to "CAIR."
In other news, anyone linking those who must not be named to acts of terror will be sent to Azkaban.
(Just kidding, for now)
great question.
Of course we know the answer to this don't we?
Just thinking about this post hurts my head....cause its so RIGHT!!
falcon_01, "they who must not be named", boy theres a title that fits!
Jennifer, unfortunately we DO know the answer.
Cookie, if you're on blood pressure meds (like me), better remember to take 'em.
mightmom, thought it was the kids screaming. Now I know better.
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