I saw the movie this past Sunday. Good flick. Simple, straightforward, the good guys are definetly the good guys, the bad guys suck on toast.
No "nuance" or moral equivacation. I might just go see it again this Sunday!
My favorite line in the whole movie was when the queen looks her king square in the eye and tells him, "Spartan! Come back with your shield or on it!".
You just know she wants her man to BE a MAN! Not some sissified, granola bar crunching, latte sipping, perfectly coiffed and groomed meterosexual who's idea of a contact sport is crouquet and who feels his proudest accomplishment was getting in touch with his "inner child".
And you know that IF he comes back first thing she's gonna do is drag him inside, ring his bell and rock his world! Children under the age of 30 not allowed!!
We're talking a real, honest-to-goodness, Gary-Cooper-in-High-Noon type man that knows you do what has to be done and screw the consequences. The type of guy who gets his butt whipped and still comes back for more, the sort who wants his tombstone to be a middle finger directed at the world in general.
Nope, not much plot. But a good flick.
'Scuse me, I get carried away sometimes.
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