Refresher link to the Haditha story.
I haven't mentioned the Haditha mess before yesterday because when I started this blog the story had receded into the overall background of what's going on in Iraq. Now it's come back and from the looks of things I believe the Corp is going to railroad these grunts.
For anyone not familiar with the story go here. Heidi at Euphoric Reality does a jamup job of summarizing the mess. Lots of links and they're all worth following.
IMHO the MSM is looking for another My Lai to pin on our troops. They tried with Abu Gharib, oh crap how they tried! But it's hard to get worked up over the frat house antics of a bunch of losers so that quickly lost steam. This seems made to order for the bloodsuckers and they'll play it out to the max. Once again the military will be crucified. Phooey.
Personally, I think they should give medals out to all eight!
And yeah, I'll be staying on top of this one as it makes the rounds of the blogosphere.
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