Gay teens to have court access.
I read stories like this and wonder just how a teen can "know" they're gay? The teen years are so chaotic that throwing this into the mix just worsens things.
WASHINGTON, DC, January 28, 2010 ( - U.S. Representative Jared Polis (D-CO) has introduced a law that would allow high school students who feel discriminated against based on their perceived sexual orientation to pursue charges in federal court.
Polis on Wednesday introduced the “Student Non-Discrimination Act,” which has 60 co-sponsors.
"Every day innocent students fall victim to relentless harassment and discrimination from teachers, staff, and fellow students based on their sexual orientation," said Polis, who is openly homosexual, in a statement.
"These actions not only hurt our students and our schools but, left unchecked, can also lead to life-threatening violence. Like Title VI for minorities in the '60s and Title IX for women in the '70s, my legislation puts LGBT students on an equal footing with their peers, so they can attend school and get a quality education, free from fear."
However, critics argue that the bill essentially sets up a class of thought-crime, and that instead policies should be developed that prevent students from being mistreated for any reason, instead of singling out “sexual orientation.”
"We think the best thing would be policies that prohibit bullying across the board for any reason against any child," Candi Cushman, education analyst for Focus on the Family Action, told the Denver Post. "The emphasis should be on the wrong action of the bullies, not why they did it or what their perceived thoughts were."
"This can and should be done without politicizing the classroom and introducing controversial sexual topics to kids against parents' wishes," she added.
IMO if this is passed we'll be one step closer to the time when religious beliefs against homosexual acts will be considered crimes. Sheesh, where's the wormhole I fell into that led to this Bizarro Universe? I want to go home!!
Absolutely "spot on".
Teenagers have no clue; they're confused about what the heck they are in the first place, not to mention "sexual orientation" which is a complete construct of psycho-babbly "whatever" that is a darned good business.
This is just crazy; "gay identity" for these kids is just a way of furthering their own moral and psychological chaos. They need direction, help, confession and maybe a good old exhortation to chastity. But fueling it further is just an injustice to them, and abuse, as far as I'm concerned.
Right on NP, these kids need a good Fr. Flannagan type to straighten them out. Pun intended.
I'm with you SV, I must've fallen through the same wormhole.
Another liberal moron who is examining his own sexuality or the lack thereof. Actually he is lacking a brain.
Gay teenagers may be confused sexually, but it's not typically about their orientation. Heck--I knew I was gay when I was 10. Your milage may vary, but really, in the teenage years, people pretty much know whom they are going to be attracted to. To say that all teenagers are too "confused" to figure out their orientation is to, in my estimation, under estimate teenagers ability to figure things out. Few teenagers think they're gay but then grow out of it later.
Wait a minute here...are you guys telling me that when you were a teen you didn't know you were a heterosexual?
I have to agree with Nathan, teens are generally pretty much aware of whether they are attracted to the opposite sex or not by the time they are teens. There are some who will deny their sexual orientation if they are gay because of the stigma they must endure.
I'm all for a straight across the board "no bullying" rule, but unfortunately, there are many schools that turn their heads when the person being bullied is gay. Until society is willing to accept that gays are equal to heterosexuals, there must be special laws to protect them and give them those equal rights.
Respect for all...equality for all.
I was going to comment on NWS's comment but I am too confused to comment now. Huh?
Oh yeah, I am way past my teenage years.
Nathan Will Sheets, thanks for your comment. Always ready to hear the other side.
Mary Ellen, both you and NWS are painting with too broad a brush. I don't believe ALL teens are confused about their sexual orientation but there is a significant percentage that falls into that category. They don't need advocates of a sinful lifestyle to be further messing up their minds.
As for the anti-bullying laws and the need for specific ones protecting gays, we part company there also. You state, "...there are many schools that turn their heads when the person being bullied is gay." What is your source of information for that?
FWIW, bullying isn't all that onerous. I was a favorite target for much of my high school years and can say that it's survivable. Life is never fair, but it's always good.
As for the anti-bullying laws and the need for specific ones protecting gays, we part company there also. You state, "...there are many schools that turn their heads when the person being bullied is gay." What is your source of information for that?
My source for that is the Jr. High school and High School in my District.
And the bullying toward a gay boy caused him to attempt suicide. If you do some research, you will see that this happens all across the country.
I don't believe ALL teens are confused about their sexual orientation but there is a significant percentage that falls into that category.
What is your source of information for that? What do you consider "significant"? You might also be mistaking boys or girls who are bi-sexual with "being confused" about their sexual orientation. That's not confusion, they are attracted to both sexes.
And it's true that there are degrees of bullying...but there are also some kids who find it difficult to ignore it and come away with more than a few bad memories that fade with time. If you want a few examples, do some research on young kids who commit suicide after being bullied and the school administration ignored it. I can think of one case in particular that a boy brought a gun to school and stood before his class and said, "I can't take it anymore." and then pulled out his gun and shot himself in the head. Oh...and he was called "gay" by his classmates, even though he wasn't. This is what happens when being gay is considered a sick insult.
Mary Ellen, you said, "What is your source of information for that? What do you consider "significant"? You might also be mistaking boys or girls who are bi-sexual with "being confused" about their sexual orientation. That's not confusion, they are attracted to both sexes."
My source of information is mostly anecdotal but a lot of it. As my profile states, I'm a recovering alcoholic. Part of the recovery involves attending a lot of AA meetings over the last 23 years. During a good portion of them I'd hear stories of how someone who was confused & vulnerable as a teen would be sexually victimized. This would play into their later substance abuse.
Part of what the victim deals with is confusion after the fact. They may positively loathe the acts they were forced into, yet the physical orgasm works to convince them they actually like it. I'm not making this up. You can check various professional studies on it, they'll quite often repeat what I just wrote.
If the victim is female, she may embark on a promiscuous lifestyle. Again, there are studies done on hookers that support this. If the victim is male, he stands a good chance of becoming gay himself. Check out the number of victims from the recent pedophile priest scandal and note how many became gay men. Then check out the high percentage of alcoholics/drug addicts in the gay community. That would be the self loathing in action.
Not all sodomized teen boys grow into gay men, but the turmoil their psyche undergoes is lifelong. I know THAT from personal experience.
So encouraging, albeit only by inference, the acceptance of a "gay" lifestyle is detrimental to our youth.
Just my opinion.
As for the incidents you mention, I have to wonder what sort of parental involvement was lacking. If my kids ever came home complaining of harassment towards which the school authorities turned a blind eye, that screaming sound you'll hear will be the wife breaking the sound barrier on her way to the school. She suffered much of that as the only white kid in her middle school and I pity the fool who messes with our kids.
So where were the parents of these kids when they were being tormented? Gay, straight or not too sure, a child should always be able to confide in the parents as to what might be wrong with their lives. Having the state take over parental duties is a bad idea.
Again, just my opinion.
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