Two prayers....

God's will be done and may He have mercy upon us all.

About Me

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A Catholic who follows Rome & the Magisterium. I'm against gay "marriage", abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, human cloning. Altar girls, Communion in the hand, Eucharistic Ministers and "Protestant" music in the Church doesn't bother me at all. A proud American retired submarine sailor. Our borders should be secured with a 10 ft. high fence topped by concertina wire with minefields out to 20 yards on both sides and an additional 10 yards filled with warning signs outside of that Let's get energy independent NOW! Back Israel to the max, stop appeasing followers of the Pedophile Prophet. Pro 2nd Amendment, pro death penalty, Repeal all hate crime legislation. Back the police unless you'd rather call a hippie when everything hits the fan. Get government out of dealing with education, childhood obesity and the enviornment. Stop using the military for sociological experiments and if we're in a war don't micromanage their every move. Kill your television, limit time on the computer and pick up a book. God's will be done and may He have mercy upon us all.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pelosi and the Pope.

She's going to see him in his capacity as a political head of state. So the Pontiff would really be out of line confronting her on the "pro-choice" stance she has. Just the way it is. While excommunicating her to her face would be grand, it ain't happening. Not under these circumstances.

But I really wish she tries to receive the Eucharist from him. That would be an entirely different kettle of fish. Either way he responds it would tell those of us in the pews a lot.


ABNPOPPA said...


Not be Catholic and all so I don't understand all the ins and outs. WHY doesn't the Pope kick her out of the church? What a precendent that would set for Low Blow Biden and the Kennedys and the rest.

Political head of state, sorry, BS. He is the HEAD of the Catholic church first and a man of God, right!

God first, politics second, that's the reason I left the Lutheran Church they got it mixed up too.

Don't feel bad I raise hell with my Jewish friend too!


Subvet said...


Just like the military, the Catholic Church has leaders who do nonsensical things. That includes the Pope.

Any Catholic that tells you the man is perfect in all things is either stupid or thinks you are.

I would LOVE for him to dropkick all the politician you mention (and a lot you didn't) out of the Church. Theres a lot of mackerel snappers who would agree with me too!

But it is what it is and we're stuck with whatever he does. Hopefully that'll include public censure of Pelosi.

I'm not holding my breath.

ignorant redneck said...

She's not the head of state, she's just the speaker of the house, and one that follows newt Grengich--which if she though about it would make her puke, just like she does me.

VSO said...

Does the Pope even know about her being a heretic? He's only one man and it's not his fault his fellow bishops aren't doing their jobs. There's only so much information the guy can keep in his brain.

ABNPOPPA said...

Thanks for the explantion Subvet. I agree with Ignorant Redneck, she IS NOT the head of state, only thinks she is.


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