Bringing partial birth abortion into vogue.
Found this article via Catholic Media Review. It's here.
Flat gruesome. What I find truly revolting is the pious "butter-won't-melt-in-our-mouths" attitude of the prochoice crowd who will say that abortion is regrettable but should be a choice. Yet when something of this nature, which is blatantly legalized murder of a child, surfaces you'll only hear crickets chirping.
Newsflash folks, if a baby is far enough along in the pregnancy to be murdered via this procedure then it's far enough along to survive outside the womb! The only thing keeping this act from being undeniable infanticide even to the semantic hairsplitters who claim it's a fetus, is the requirement that the head remain IN the womb while being collapsed. Yet one and all, including a fair amount of CINOs (Catholic In Name Only) turn a blind eye to this and a deaf ear to the screams of dying children.
Remember the Slaughter of the Innocents;

Biggest difference, the mothers of today's dead babies don't weep for them.
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